Chemical Analysis
Cr | S | P | Mn | Si | C |
0.68%max | 0.003%max | 0.003%max | 0.59% | 1.19%max | 4%. 3 |
TIf chemical composition of cast iron is appropriate, or cooling during solidification is sufficiently rapid, cast iron is frozen so that all the carbon is combined with iron as iron carbide. This compound that is called Cementite is hard and brittle and dominant compound in micro structure of the white cast iron. So white cast iron is hard and brittle and its fracture section is white and crystalline since it does not have graphite. Pressure strength of the White cast iron is very high and is highly resistant than abrasion. This type of white cast iron maintains tough in the molten state for a limited time. By increasing local cooling rate of cast iron, selected parts of the casting piece can be transformed to the cast iron. Casting ability of white cast iron is not as well as other cast irons since cooling temperature is usually higher. White cast iron is used in parts that need high hardness and erosion.
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